La visione di Leonardo
A collective and widespread exhibition dedicated to Leonardo’s places in Milan, with a look at the contemporary city. Piazza Gae Aulenti, Parco Sempione, Castello Sforzesco, Piazza della Scala, Piazzetta Reale, Conca del Naviglio, Darsena and the courtyard of the Science and Technology Museum itself: in each of the eight stages, a digital installation with three-dimensional animations and a narration audio explore a new artistic point of view, more imaginative than didactic. The augmented reality works explore the concept of unity of knowledge and the link between science, technology and art that has inspired the Museum since its foundation. They are made by the artists: David Capuano, Lorenzo Fonda, Francesca Guiotto, Luca Pozzi, Livia Ribichini, Giulia Roncucci, David Szauder and Claudio Vittori.
Cultural partner
Technical partner
Realized with the contribution of InnovaMusei -Regione Lombardia, Unioncamere Lombardia e Fondazione Cariplo