Future Archive


A journey through time to the threshold of 2093

Bepart Future Archive AR sculpture
Bepart Future Archive AR sculptures
Bepart Future Archive AR user
Bepart Future Archive AR installation
Bepart Future Archive AR animation

A traveling exhibition of speculative design to think about possible solutions to solve the problems and difficulties of the future through eight installations. A journey through time that takes the visitor to the threshold of 2093, a time marked by electronic devices to extract cryptocurrencies, barriers to stop spontaneous fires, devices to collect water, photobioreactors to produce food and CO2, hacker devices to protect privacy and digital funerary relics to commemorate the ancestors and relate to the past.


Public Art




Artworks were realised by Keenan Rush, Will Verity, Erika Marthins & Stella Speziali, Anna Heck & Yujin Chiang, Andrea Atzeni, Debora Lombardi & Rossella Pellegrino, Ilaria Allioli, Barbara Mazzina, Eva Parenti, Nicolò Sinatra, Chiara Santandrea, Massimiliano Cason Villa.

Project curated by Stefano Calia, Davide Crippa, Joris Jaccarino, Barbara Di Prete, Keenan Rush and realized by Bepart Società Cooperativa Impresa Sociale, in collaboration with Repubblica del Design and Politecnico di Milano, promoted and financed by the Fondazione di Comunità Milano onlus – Città, South West, South East, Martesana.